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Welcome To SAT

Welcome to Students Against Trafficking at USF, the leading force in combating human trafficking on campus.


About US

Students Against Trafficking at USF (SAT) stands as the pioneering force against human trafficking on campus, being the sole active student organization dedicated to this critical cause.


Not only are we the first to introduce free prevention education within the university's bounds, but we also pride ourselves on our collaboration with community partners to host impactful events. SAT-USF offers a platform where students can actively engage through volunteer opportunities and community involvement, fostering a collective commitment to combatting human trafficking.


Driven by unwavering passion, our organization strives to raise awareness, educate, and advocate for change, empowering our members to make a tangible difference in the fight against modern-day slavery. Join us in our mission to create a campus and community where trafficking is not just understood, but actively prevented and eradicated.

Community Partners

  • USF TIP Lab


  • Created

  • Selah Freedom

  • Ignite Her

  • Stop The Movement

Millennium Fellowship


Formed as a part of the United Nations Millennium Fellowship program, SAT seeks to implement solutions to human trafficking through prevention education and thus fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goal Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (16).

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower and educate the Tampa Bay community to prevent human trafficking through awareness, advocacy, and action. We are committed to fostering a culture of knowledge and understanding to combat the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. By engaging students and the wider community, we strive to promote systemic change, support survivors, and advocate for policies that protect human rights and dignity. Together, we envision a future free from the scourge of human trafficking, where every individual is valued, respected, and empowered to live a life of freedom and opportunity.

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